
  1. The students are expected to be regular to the school.

  2. In case of absence from school, information in written must be provided without fail duly signed by parent/guardian.

  3. A student returning to school after infectious disease or prolong illness has to provide a Medical Certificate of Fitness from doctor.

  4. Absence for more than ten days without approval leave will render the pupil’s name to be struck off, of the school rolls

  5. Students should take pride in wearing the proper school uniform and to maintain the school discipline and lead to an ideal disciple.

  6. Students must take care of school furniture.

  7. All communication with the school should be addressed to the Principal.

  8. Any Legal Dispute will be settled in the Courts of Bathinda only.

  9. Parents/Guardians must check the students bag and diary daily as most important information from the school is sent through these modes.

  10. Information from the office (oral/written) should be treated authentic. Any cross information received from sources other than school should be cross checked and verified from the school. The school will not be held responsible for any act of omission if a parent/ guardian will suffer on this account. Any rumours floated by unwanted elements should be verified from the school office.